A Study of Writings of Rolf Witzsche and Lyndon Larouche, and their conclusions on how we can uplift civilization and survive the biggest threat to it, the coming ice age.
Dynamic Ice Age Renaissance (D.I.A.R)
Friday, December 30, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Rick Potvin points to Larouche and Witzsche on climate.
The climate on earth is moving toward the next ice age, says Rick Potvin, a reader of Larouche and Witzche.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Intro to this blog.
Dynamic Ice Age Renaissance (D.I.A.R) began by comparing the ideas of Rolf Witzsche with those of Lyndon Larouche. Originally, I watched Rolf brilliantly expose the flaws of Larouche's NAWAPA plan in Oct. 2010. As I read more of Rolf's works, it became clear to me that Larouche was stuck on a number of fronts, the most deadly being his lack of understanding of the ice ages. Rolf's brilliance has occupied a lot of my spare time for year and now the focal point must be stated for mankind-- preparation for the next near term returning ice age and consequent crash of agriculture with another Renaissance, like the 15th C. Golden Renaissance, this time called the 21st C. Dynamic Ice Age Renaissance. Without it, civilization will shortly cease to exist. -- Rick Potvin.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Dynamic Ice Age Reality (DIAR) is here.

Source [+][+]Rolf Witzsche has drawn up plans for a Dynamic Ice Age Reality which is our future if we respond to the ice age we're now descending into..
Rolf is writing about "dynamic systemic change" to face the "ice age challange". This is a true map of the near future that is totally different that any future vision I've ever seen-- and I've studied the future for a long time now. [Rolf's Latest article] No cryonicist or transhumanist can come close to matching the integrity and honesty of this article.
[Discussion Forum] No log in needed.
Sea Levels are FALLING!!!

Source [+] Measuring sea levels is a good indication of the coming ice age.]
Drudge featured this article on Obama this morning. [+] Inadvertently, a mainstream source points to a new coming ice age!!! They didn't mean to do that, as you can see from the comments. Drudge inadvertently blew
the cover off global warming in a smart mouthed attempt to criticize Obama!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Why does the Milky Way appear to be slanted in the sky?

I've seen theories as to why the Milky Way stars appear at an angle. When we look up at the sky, the milky way should be seen through the edge straight across, in the lower part of the sky in winter in the northern hemisphere and higher up in the summer. The solar system should be in the same plane as the galaxy. Apparently it's not. Why not?
[Dicussion, answers, updates etc. ]
Monday, September 12, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Larouche KNOWS there is a mini ice age coming in 2020's!

Source [NASA] Look at the forecast for cycle 25!
Check this out. SOURCE [LarouchePAC]
Three independent U.S. studies of solar activity, arrive at the same conclusions put forth earlier by the Pulkovo Observatory in St. Petersburg:
solar activity is declining;
the current solar cycle 24, which began in December 2008 is likely to be a weak one; and
the following cycle, expected to begin around 2018 to 2022, may be so weak as to bring on a new Little Ice Age.
In a 2008 paper, Abdussamotov forecast severely reduced activity in Cycles 25 and 26:
“The earth is no longer threatened by the catastrophic global warming forecast by some scientists; warming passed its peak in 1998-2005, while the value of the TSI by July-September of last year had already declined by 0.47 watts per square meter,” Abdussamatov wrote. “Consequently, we should fear a deep temperature drop, but not catastrophic global warming. Humanity must survive the serious economic, social, demographic and political consequences of a global temperature drop, which will directly affect the national interests of almost all countries and more than 80% of the population of the Earth.”
[DISCUSSION and comments]
Friday, September 9, 2011
Larouche's idea that the solar systems bobs up and down through the arms of the galaxy remains unexplained.

The bobbing solar system is a rediculous idea. [Picture from www.tetrahedral.blogspot.com
Larouche wrote
Long term temperature changes are mapped by the change in O-18, O-16 and Be-10 in deep ocean fossil cores over time. Recent work by Dr. Shaviv and others, have correlated these changes with the flux of cosmic ray density, and there appears to be a 145 million year cycle of ice ages which corresponds with the passing of our solar system through the galaxy’s spiral arms.3
source http://www.larouchepac.com/node/19290
Witzsche notes this can't be. He asks why would our solar system be the only one to be bobbing? He's got a point that I haven't seen Larouche or sky Shields answer. And none of the Larouche articles expands on this. Larouche cites a source as 3The Milky Way Galaxy's Spiral Arms and Ice-Age Epochs and the Cosmic Ray Connection, by By Nir J. Shaviv.
CONT'D... plus dicussion...
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Al Gore's "phony reality" appeal in new Sept. 15 Climate change day?

Gore is full of hot air when he's promising "reality" on Sept. 15, 2011
I just found this psychological warfare piece by Gore and company. [+] He doesn't say what his argument is but note that he's talking about "climate change" without saying anything about it getting hotter or colder, let alone the overdue ice age. Gore is associated with all kinds of projects that tend to decrease the power of humans to exist (green tech) which means that he is a depopulationist. And that means genocide. Larouche has tracked this guys career and it's very British imperial oriented. Now he's brainwashing American kids with this Climate Change Day and calling it reality.
Here are Larouche's references to Gore. [+]
And here are Witzsche's [+]
Global warming hoaxsters say it can lead to an ice age? What?
I'm seeing articles lately that indicate that another version of the global warming hoax involves melting the ice caps, leading to dilution of salt water, leading to an ice age. What is this theory? I dismissed it as nonsense but I keep seeing references to it.
Rolf Witzsche's New World Development Project is startling, almost alien in its insight.

This alien looking illustration of Earth was concieved by
Rolf Witzsche to show what it will have to look like to survive the
coming ice age. .
Rolf's latest article begins with
The Earth has been in an ice age epoch, the Pleistocene Epoch, for the last 2 million years, interspersed with pulses of warm interglacial climates, such as the one we are in. The entire development of what we call civilization occurred in the last pulse that is now ending. We are gradually beginning to realize that we have lived in an anomaly. We have never experienced to normal climate of the Pleistocene, but we need to prepare for it if we wish to survive. And this we can do. This begins with understanding the nature of the pulses that give us our warm anomalies.[Continued...]
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Larouche continues to ignore Ice Age Emergency.
[Read this.
Summary: Larouche is pointing to the hurricane (Irene) and pretending that by engineering NAWAPA that we can moderate the climate that way. NAWAPA will take more than 50 years to build however and in the meantime, we're heading into an ice age. Witzsche has forwarded a great article to Larouche on this point but apparently Larouche has not really grasped it. Amazing.
Summary: Larouche is pointing to the hurricane (Irene) and pretending that by engineering NAWAPA that we can moderate the climate that way. NAWAPA will take more than 50 years to build however and in the meantime, we're heading into an ice age. Witzsche has forwarded a great article to Larouche on this point but apparently Larouche has not really grasped it. Amazing.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
NASA continues to perpetrate dark matter idea.
I've been interested in astrophysics ever since I got maps of Mars and the Moon in my monthly issue of National Geographic at age 10 or 11. I posted those maps on my bedroom wall and built a model of the Apollo Lunar Lander from a kit. In high school, through independent reading, I learned about so-called "clusters" of galaxies which astonished me. Later in life, reading about black holes and dark matter, the universe became more mysterious and hard to understand. In pursuit of getting on with life, I mostly dropped my astrophysics interests... until I read "The Big Bang Never Happened" by Eric Lerner in 1995 at age 38. This book renewed my interest in the big universal picture. It denied not just the bang, but black holes and dark matter too. I began to see articles about the electric universe theory on Rense.com in 2007 when I turned 50. Then in 2010 Rolf Witzsche articulated exactly what was going on in astrophysics, echoing Lerner: There is a conspiracy of misdirection occuring to prevent mankind from achieving progress required to survive... that acts in the interests of an oligarchical imperial power. NASA has become part of that imperialism by denying electric universe theory. Here's their latest effort... [Dark Matter doesn't exist]
[Enter Discussion Outline with other Rolf Witzsche and Larouche fans]
[Enter Discussion Outline with other Rolf Witzsche and Larouche fans]
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Grand Canyon was carved out by electric-drill like tornado.
A Birkeland current in contact with the Earth might act like a rotating augur, drilling deeply into the bedrock, removing the material, and accelerating it up and away from the point of contact. The effect might be thought of as an electric vacuum, charging the debris in an expanding electric field and then blasting it upward through the power of like-charge repulsion. EDM effects in machine shops strip uniform layers from the substrate while leaving essentially a vertical wall and a flat, new surface. In an interplanetary EDM, the rotating current would tend to lift up sections of strata that would leave a terraced effect and layered appearance, much like what is seen in the Grand Canyon.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
CERN covering up climate change from cosmic rays.
CERN covering up a study that shows climate change from cosmic rays. CERN is guilty of building large colliders to rip apart atoms in ways the universe does not. It's a phony project meant to waste time and money. CERN ought to be dismantled. The ionosphere provides power in a natural way that colliding atoms unnaturally in "active research" (nazi reearch) does not.
CERN covering up a study that shows climate change from cosmic rays. CERN is guilty of building large colliders to rip apart atoms in ways the universe does not. It's a phony project meant to waste time and money. CERN ought to be dismantled. The ionosphere provides power in a natural way that colliding atoms unnaturally in "active research" (nazi reearch) does not.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Could basalt be used to create a dome over Japan meltdown sites?
Rense.com runs a lot of Japan reactor meltdown radiation stories and now I hear that Japan is shutting down all their reactors. I was intrigued with your take on basalt and looked it up, finding that it's impervious to nuclear radiation....
• Remarkable immunity to nuclear radiation, UV light and biologic contamination
Sudaglass Fiber Technology
Do you think it's worth contacting the right people to suggest basalt domes over the meltdown areas?
Rense.com runs a lot of Japan reactor meltdown radiation stories and now I hear that Japan is shutting down all their reactors. I was intrigued with your take on basalt and looked it up, finding that it's impervious to nuclear radiation....
• Remarkable immunity to nuclear radiation, UV light and biologic contamination
Sudaglass Fiber Technology
Do you think it's worth contacting the right people to suggest basalt domes over the meltdown areas?
Mary Baker Eddy understood public credit??? (Letter to Rolf).
Another astonishing element in a new story by you I'm reading refers to MBE as being the only other person besides Alexander Hamilton who really understood scrip and public credit... that not even Lincoln understood it.
So now MBE is seen to have economics expertise? This is something I'll continue to look into by reading your fiction... although I don't enjoy slogging through fiction per se, most of your fiction is dialog that could be prose.
Christian Science and MBE appear to me to be insane at this point. I can see why the church is going down. I see your effort to reinterpret it as interesting but reading your take on it hasn't helped EXCEPT for these points where you're incorporating MBE into the credit story now. That is one of the wierdest twists I've ever seen.
The geometry of 16 appears to me to be purely insane. However, your emphasis on the scrip of the original Mass Bay Colony-- and placing Alex Hamilton as MORE important than Ben Franklin, I might agree with. I've struggled for several years with larouche's referense to these points... trying to prioritize and talk about them. You're the only Larouche fan I've seen out there to take his ideas on that and expand on it.
There is a CS church around the corner from me. I ALMOST went in last Sunday. It's a very nice looking building. There's obviously some money involved in this "religion". So something is going on. I do not believe you're working alone, despite your claim to that however. I would think it's more reasonable to assume that there are some CS'ers in your area who are with you on this stuff... and that you have CS'ers around the world looking at your material. They NEED something to re-energize their valuable 501c3...
The reading room around the corner from me closed down a long time ago but I had dropped in occasionally for fun but it never led anywhere. It seemed moribund at that time. Your fresh perspective on this changes the entire picture. The reason I see this picture as new today is because of that reference to MBE last night and her understanding of public credit.
Given my understanding of Larouche for 10 years... and given my understanding of the insights you have on Larouche's failed fusion, failed NAWAPA and failure to see electric universe, and basalt and ice age as primary topics, and essentially the bad manners of the LYM toward me, it may very well be that CS could be positioned to make a come-back under MBE-public credit thinking. The only problem of course is that religious 501c3s are supposed to stay out of politics... which is another issue I've heard the right wing churches dispense with as phony... that the real thing a church must stay away from is supporting any particular candidate.. other than that, they CAN talk about public policy. That would be critical to get right.
Again, you're writing is blowing me away.
Another astonishing element in a new story by you I'm reading refers to MBE as being the only other person besides Alexander Hamilton who really understood scrip and public credit... that not even Lincoln understood it.
So now MBE is seen to have economics expertise? This is something I'll continue to look into by reading your fiction... although I don't enjoy slogging through fiction per se, most of your fiction is dialog that could be prose.
Christian Science and MBE appear to me to be insane at this point. I can see why the church is going down. I see your effort to reinterpret it as interesting but reading your take on it hasn't helped EXCEPT for these points where you're incorporating MBE into the credit story now. That is one of the wierdest twists I've ever seen.
The geometry of 16 appears to me to be purely insane. However, your emphasis on the scrip of the original Mass Bay Colony-- and placing Alex Hamilton as MORE important than Ben Franklin, I might agree with. I've struggled for several years with larouche's referense to these points... trying to prioritize and talk about them. You're the only Larouche fan I've seen out there to take his ideas on that and expand on it.
There is a CS church around the corner from me. I ALMOST went in last Sunday. It's a very nice looking building. There's obviously some money involved in this "religion". So something is going on. I do not believe you're working alone, despite your claim to that however. I would think it's more reasonable to assume that there are some CS'ers in your area who are with you on this stuff... and that you have CS'ers around the world looking at your material. They NEED something to re-energize their valuable 501c3...
The reading room around the corner from me closed down a long time ago but I had dropped in occasionally for fun but it never led anywhere. It seemed moribund at that time. Your fresh perspective on this changes the entire picture. The reason I see this picture as new today is because of that reference to MBE last night and her understanding of public credit.
Given my understanding of Larouche for 10 years... and given my understanding of the insights you have on Larouche's failed fusion, failed NAWAPA and failure to see electric universe, and basalt and ice age as primary topics, and essentially the bad manners of the LYM toward me, it may very well be that CS could be positioned to make a come-back under MBE-public credit thinking. The only problem of course is that religious 501c3s are supposed to stay out of politics... which is another issue I've heard the right wing churches dispense with as phony... that the real thing a church must stay away from is supporting any particular candidate.. other than that, they CAN talk about public policy. That would be critical to get right.
Again, you're writing is blowing me away.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Mao is a great leader in Witzshe's book but a British creation in Larouches.
Witzsche has positioned Mao TseTung as a great leader in a few of his articles... I can't cite them right now. This is shocking to me because Larouche clearly leads you through the connections of Mao to the British. Further, Witzsche positions Chaing KaiChek as a "stooge of the West" (?!). Larouche carefully describes Chaing KaiChek as descended from SunYatSen. There is no way I can resolve this... Witzsche is brilliant in many areas I DO recognize, but this view of Mao seems so counterposed to Larouche's that it's no wonder Larouche people ignore Witzsche. I'll work with this more here.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Plasma channel to the ionosophere would tap all the power we want.
Apparently if you tap the ionosphere, the power goes out of control. So you need two streams and the power of the protons flexes between the two. Not sure why but a guy patented a device to allow this to happen. So why are we not building it? Maybe the patent industry automatically gets things shut down. Someone should just build the damn thing.
Apparently if you tap the ionosphere, the power goes out of control. So you need two streams and the power of the protons flexes between the two. Not sure why but a guy patented a device to allow this to happen. So why are we not building it? Maybe the patent industry automatically gets things shut down. Someone should just build the damn thing.
Friday, June 10, 2011
I've emailed Rolf and Larouche this morning.
I emailed Larouche asking him what his position is on Witzsche's take on NAWAPA, nuclear fusion and electric universe, given his own position on these. And I emailed Rolf about his email list and doing an open forum for his fans.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
No ads in discussion outline now-- so it's easier to use.
Open notice to Rolf and others... This blog is connected to the discussion outline "classroom" where there are now no ads, so you'll load faster and respond faster without ad interference.
[Discussion Outline]
[Discussion Outline]
Urgency in discussion between Rolf Readers... Witzsche that is.
I'm putting your name back on my email forward list whenever I make a blog entry. I fully realize your time is valuable and you probably don't have time to respond to my questions. That's why it's all the more important for me to get in touch with your community of readers and fans. I have a sense that we have to open the gate on your worldview (but not necessarily on the CS stuff which I don't get-- I'm in big trouble on that).
My blog covering your material-- is now listed on Google blogs under your name
How about giving referring me to just one of your top partners... or top connected people who know your material... so that they can work with me on answering questions for me? We need an online classroom and a trained instructor--- or self-trained expert on your material.
Agree? I see those dumb young people standing behind the governor general making the speech from the "throne" the other day and it strikes me that these dumb kids have NO idea what the near future hold for them. If they did... they would protest.. .because the Gov Gen was talking about "balancing the budget". Why did none of them ScREAM? and run out in horror? How can these dumb kids stand there and listen to the gov gen destroy their future? If the internet does not become a classroom, we're goners. I've created a classroom with an INDEX... YOU have the articles the REQUIRE READING... now we need a PROFESSOR... you and TOP flight tutorial leaders in the forum I created... in outline format... perfect for 24/7 discussion.
Rick Potvin
Discussion outline for this point \[+]
I'm putting your name back on my email forward list whenever I make a blog entry. I fully realize your time is valuable and you probably don't have time to respond to my questions. That's why it's all the more important for me to get in touch with your community of readers and fans. I have a sense that we have to open the gate on your worldview (but not necessarily on the CS stuff which I don't get-- I'm in big trouble on that).
My blog covering your material-- is now listed on Google blogs under your name
How about giving referring me to just one of your top partners... or top connected people who know your material... so that they can work with me on answering questions for me? We need an online classroom and a trained instructor--- or self-trained expert on your material.
Agree? I see those dumb young people standing behind the governor general making the speech from the "throne" the other day and it strikes me that these dumb kids have NO idea what the near future hold for them. If they did... they would protest.. .because the Gov Gen was talking about "balancing the budget". Why did none of them ScREAM? and run out in horror? How can these dumb kids stand there and listen to the gov gen destroy their future? If the internet does not become a classroom, we're goners. I've created a classroom with an INDEX... YOU have the articles the REQUIRE READING... now we need a PROFESSOR... you and TOP flight tutorial leaders in the forum I created... in outline format... perfect for 24/7 discussion.
Rick Potvin
Discussion outline for this point \[+]
Do the planets have their positions due to Kepler's "harmony"... or is it electrical?
I read somewhere in Rolf Witzsche's articles that the rotations of the planets are due to to surface conductivity and that the revolutiona of the planets around the sun are electrically powered. This in itself is a stunning departure from the gravity universe. Aside from that, however-- but related-- I read last night again in Larouche about Kepler's Harmony of the Spheres. [Source: "How the human mind works (the sight and sound of science)" by Lyndon H. Larouch, Jr. Oct. 8, 2008 EIR]
The article includes a diagram of the "tonalities" of the harmonic orbits of the planets. LYM has explored this in detail in the "basement project" Earlier reference in the article is made to the universe as "self bounded by Kepler's harmonically ordered principle of universal gravitation" as Einstein pointed to. But all this "harmonic ordering"... of the planets and this "self bounding"... must be INCORRECTLY interpreted by Larouche and LYM-- given the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE, right?
QUESTION-- Are the planets postiions in the solar system due to gravity or electric homopolor motor effect? Or both? Is the universe "self bounded" by gravity or electricity? Is Larouche and LYM wrong on these counts?
[Discussion outline]
The article includes a diagram of the "tonalities" of the harmonic orbits of the planets. LYM has explored this in detail in the "basement project" Earlier reference in the article is made to the universe as "self bounded by Kepler's harmonically ordered principle of universal gravitation" as Einstein pointed to. But all this "harmonic ordering"... of the planets and this "self bounding"... must be INCORRECTLY interpreted by Larouche and LYM-- given the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE, right?
QUESTION-- Are the planets postiions in the solar system due to gravity or electric homopolor motor effect? Or both? Is the universe "self bounded" by gravity or electricity? Is Larouche and LYM wrong on these counts?
[Discussion outline]
Thorium nuclear is the way to go.
[+] This article is beautifully written. It startled me and I thought I knew some things about thorium and nuclear power. Rolf Witzsche writes in a way that brings out the important points in 3D. It's stunning. For example, I never knew that thorium is considered waste in coal mining and represents 10X as much energy as in the coal.
[Comments and Discussion Outline]
[Comments and Discussion Outline]
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Great Pyramid concentrates cosmic proton rays for genius production?
Rolf has come up with a startling theory that the great pyramid concentrates protons and effectively creates genius. Enter the discussion outline above to grapple with this. My question is... what if we sat in there today? Or can we duplicate the effect? And if that's what it did, then why did the original builders lose their continuity from that point? It appears it didn't really work. It's a fantastic theory however... and still has merit. Rolf himself is a genius for coming up with this.
Rolf has come up with a startling theory that the great pyramid concentrates protons and effectively creates genius. Enter the discussion outline above to grapple with this. My question is... what if we sat in there today? Or can we duplicate the effect? And if that's what it did, then why did the original builders lose their continuity from that point? It appears it didn't really work. It's a fantastic theory however... and still has merit. Rolf himself is a genius for coming up with this.
Power from electrons in the air?
Nexus ran a piece in 1995 that describes getting power from the air. This approximates getting power from the ionosphere but I don't think getting electrons from the air works... still, let's investigate this.
[Discussion Outline on this topic with Nexus reference]
[Discussion Outline on this topic with Nexus reference]
How to navigate Rolf Witzsche's multiple websites... and what to do about Christian Science.
Rolf has more websites than me... and that's a rare thing. I've had trouble determining what to read now, or later and how to get back to where I want to go. His sites are confusing. This series of posts will try to solve that problem with an ALPHABETICAL INDEX approach. Another aspect of Witzsche that I can't handle is his devotion to Christian Science. From my point of view, Mary Baker Eddy is impossible to understand, even with Rolf's help. My approach so far involves ignoring all the CS stuff and reading Witzshe on his hard science and economics.
[Discussion Outline on this particular topic]
[Discussion Outline on this particular topic]
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Rolf Witzsche's critique of latest article by Larouche, "A Certain World Map"
Larouche's latest article "A Certain World Map" is an historical overview of the current situation mankind faces. I'd like to see what Rold Witzshe's reaction is to it.
[Discussion Outline ENTRY POINT]
[Discussion Outline ENTRY POINT]
Monday, May 30, 2011
Paolo Sarpi enslaved science for the imperial oligarchy of the Venetian/British.
The Venetians invaded England in 1688. Paolo Sarpi created an Anti-Renaissance science philosophy that had the effect of enslaving science to the oligarchy's imperial mission by ignoring universal principles. Sarpi's science philosophy was an update of the failing Aristotelian approach. The Lraouche paper that I read last night that refers to this is from 2008.
[Discussion Outline ENTRY]
[Discussion Outline ENTRY]
Friday, May 27, 2011
NAWAPA described by Larouche is not viable in Witzsche's view.
I was stunned to discover Rolf Witzsche's excellent critique of the NAWAPA plan which the Larouche PAC youth started selling back in mid-2010 as an economic revival plan. This blog entry will be where I attempt to summarize the current status of the different views on this but the processing of those views will take place in the N54 forum where the outline format serves debate better.
As of now, May 2011, I have not been able to understand why the Larouche people, especially people like Sky Shield and John Hoefle, don't deal with the points that Rolf Witzsche has made-- which essentially involve the possible sudden onset of the next ice age before NAWAPA can be completed. I am setting up this blog/forum debate as an attempt to get the Witzsche people into online debate with the Larouche people over this point. It has to be resolved.
This is being written at a time when the head of the IMF has been arrested and, as Larouche has pointed out, signals the end of the bailouts. Now, on Cspan I see the head of the FDIC telling us how banks are going to be ended, using psuedo bankruptcy methods.
Enter my outline, where debate is easier over the issue of NAWAPA vs. rivers and water projects using basalt as Witzshe describes here--- [+]
As of now, May 2011, I have not been able to understand why the Larouche people, especially people like Sky Shield and John Hoefle, don't deal with the points that Rolf Witzsche has made-- which essentially involve the possible sudden onset of the next ice age before NAWAPA can be completed. I am setting up this blog/forum debate as an attempt to get the Witzsche people into online debate with the Larouche people over this point. It has to be resolved.
This is being written at a time when the head of the IMF has been arrested and, as Larouche has pointed out, signals the end of the bailouts. Now, on Cspan I see the head of the FDIC telling us how banks are going to be ended, using psuedo bankruptcy methods.
Enter my outline, where debate is easier over the issue of NAWAPA vs. rivers and water projects using basalt as Witzshe describes here--- [+]
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Nuclear power plants using thorium are superior.
I discovered, through Witzsche, that thorium reactors are superior. Actually, Larouche first pointed it out but focuses on India without telling me that we have plenty of thorium here in the US. [+]
Are planetary orbits around the sun and planetary revolutions electric powered?
Open letter to Rolf--
I read this on Thunderbolt site...
The naked electric force is1039 times more powerful than gravity. In its various manifestations it holds the universe together. It creates galactic structure, forms and lights the stars, and drives the formation of planetary systems. Electric fields not only pervade the macrocosm, they are active throughout our solar system. And on Earth charge separation is not an effect of the movement of air or water—it exists already and is a primary cause of movement. At the most basic level, electric currents are the prime cause of rotational movement in the universe.
We live in a connected, electrically animated universe. And Nature does not ignore the utility of the electric motor!
MY QUESTION - Do you think the earth's revolution, the moon's orbit around the Earth and the Earth's orbit around the sun as well as other movements of plants and moons is electrically powered just like a motor? I ask this because it has always struck me as odd that, for example, the moon doesn't eventually lose momentum and fall into the Earth. Or that the Earth doesn't eventually lose gravity-powered momemtum and fall into the sun. It MUST be because our motion is electrically powered, ultimately by incoming electricity. The whole setup is motorized like some giant midway ride at a carnival. (And just like a carnival, we have freak shows-- starring "meteorologists" and "physicists".:) "Step right up! See the fat meteorologist pretend there is no electricity powering tornados or moving planets! See the historical curiosity called the fizzicyst-- who denies electrical motors in space!".
I read this on Thunderbolt site...
The naked electric force is1039 times more powerful than gravity. In its various manifestations it holds the universe together. It creates galactic structure, forms and lights the stars, and drives the formation of planetary systems. Electric fields not only pervade the macrocosm, they are active throughout our solar system. And on Earth charge separation is not an effect of the movement of air or water—it exists already and is a primary cause of movement. At the most basic level, electric currents are the prime cause of rotational movement in the universe.
We live in a connected, electrically animated universe. And Nature does not ignore the utility of the electric motor!
MY QUESTION - Do you think the earth's revolution, the moon's orbit around the Earth and the Earth's orbit around the sun as well as other movements of plants and moons is electrically powered just like a motor? I ask this because it has always struck me as odd that, for example, the moon doesn't eventually lose momentum and fall into the Earth. Or that the Earth doesn't eventually lose gravity-powered momemtum and fall into the sun. It MUST be because our motion is electrically powered, ultimately by incoming electricity. The whole setup is motorized like some giant midway ride at a carnival. (And just like a carnival, we have freak shows-- starring "meteorologists" and "physicists".:) "Step right up! See the fat meteorologist pretend there is no electricity powering tornados or moving planets! See the historical curiosity called the fizzicyst-- who denies electrical motors in space!".
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Joplin tornado had too much energy to be just air-- witness similar thing on Mars.
Having read Witzsche carefully since Nov. 2010 (I had run across him several years previous with no real follow up), I've become tuned in to the electric universe theory as never before. The articles on Rense I ran across since 2007 were mildly interesting but didn't pack the punch that Witzshe's writing did. Neither did the Eric Lerner book on the Big Bang affect me as much as Witzshe's series on the net. I read Lerner in 1995 and he convinced me the big bang never happened for the first time in my life... but he didn't dig deeply enough into plasma.
This latest super tornado that destroyed Joplin, looked at from the point of view of the electric universe, got me thinking that tornados in general must be electrically powered. The power of the thing was just too much to explain by air temperature differentials and a bit of static electricity. In reading Witzshe, I reviewed Tesla and was amazed to rediscover for myself the complete plans for Tesla's internet in 1903 using the ionosphere and the Wardenclyffe tower system. This reveals the power of the electricity layer of the atmosphere. Could tornadoes be powered by that layer? Of course!
This morning, I ran across even more indicators that tornados are primarily electric vortexes... they are in fact Birkeland Vortexes! One website describes the tornados on Mars...
On Mars, monstrous dust devils -- some ten times larger
than any tornadoes on Earth -- have exposed planetary scientists' disinterest in all things
electrical. A NASA press release stated, "When humans visit Mars, they'll have to watch
out for towering electrified dust devils." They attribute the electric fields of the "dust
devils" to solar heating and the resulting mechanical energy of air convection, acting on
dust particles, to separate charge in rapidly moving "dust clouds." But the Martian
atmosphere is less than one percent as dense as Earth's, and the mechanical ability of its
air to carry dust particles to the apparent speeds and heights of these monstrous vortices
is at best improbable. In the Electric Universe interpretation, wind is not asked to do
either the improbable or the inconceivable. Charge separation is already present in the
Martian atmosphere because the planet is a charged body. And rotating columns of air
and dust are a natural consequence of atmospheric electric currents.
Very nice piece of writing... from Talbott and Thornhill in "Is the Universe Electric" reprinted on HWArmstrongs site in PDF [+] I had the pleasure of listening to George Noori interview Talbott and Thornhill a few nights ago overnight on the radio show Coast to Coast.
This latest super tornado that destroyed Joplin, looked at from the point of view of the electric universe, got me thinking that tornados in general must be electrically powered. The power of the thing was just too much to explain by air temperature differentials and a bit of static electricity. In reading Witzshe, I reviewed Tesla and was amazed to rediscover for myself the complete plans for Tesla's internet in 1903 using the ionosphere and the Wardenclyffe tower system. This reveals the power of the electricity layer of the atmosphere. Could tornadoes be powered by that layer? Of course!
This morning, I ran across even more indicators that tornados are primarily electric vortexes... they are in fact Birkeland Vortexes! One website describes the tornados on Mars...
On Mars, monstrous dust devils -- some ten times larger
than any tornadoes on Earth -- have exposed planetary scientists' disinterest in all things
electrical. A NASA press release stated, "When humans visit Mars, they'll have to watch
out for towering electrified dust devils." They attribute the electric fields of the "dust
devils" to solar heating and the resulting mechanical energy of air convection, acting on
dust particles, to separate charge in rapidly moving "dust clouds." But the Martian
atmosphere is less than one percent as dense as Earth's, and the mechanical ability of its
air to carry dust particles to the apparent speeds and heights of these monstrous vortices
is at best improbable. In the Electric Universe interpretation, wind is not asked to do
either the improbable or the inconceivable. Charge separation is already present in the
Martian atmosphere because the planet is a charged body. And rotating columns of air
and dust are a natural consequence of atmospheric electric currents.
Very nice piece of writing... from Talbott and Thornhill in "Is the Universe Electric" reprinted on HWArmstrongs site in PDF [+] I had the pleasure of listening to George Noori interview Talbott and Thornhill a few nights ago overnight on the radio show Coast to Coast.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Joplin super tornado was electro-magnetic and might have been HAARP created.
I'm speculating beyond Rolf here in this post. Rolf has done excellent writing on the electric universe and so when I saw that Joplin carnage on TV this morning, I began wondering if tornados are electrically powered by the ionosphere. Sure enough, I found one reference in Popular Science from 1968 proving that they are. Then I found this page... which explains how tornados are both magnetic and electric... which is consistent with electric universe theory.... Haarp toys with the ionosphere and you need POWER to run a tornado like the Joplin destroyer... actual power beyond any wind temperature differential that we normally think of as a tornado-creator. Look at this piece. [+]
Larouche is not paying attention to this and he one article on the Mississippi flood but if you watch the Agenda21 critical awareness sites, then both the floods and this Joplin tornado are consistent with an Agenda21 clearing of human settlements in the area.
1. I found this detailed article about electromagnetism and tornados that explains the situation as experts currently understand it. Lots of pics and illustrations. Really nice article. It still lends itself to the possibility that Haarp arrays are used to amplify tornado effects. [+]
Larouche is not paying attention to this and he one article on the Mississippi flood but if you watch the Agenda21 critical awareness sites, then both the floods and this Joplin tornado are consistent with an Agenda21 clearing of human settlements in the area.
1. I found this detailed article about electromagnetism and tornados that explains the situation as experts currently understand it. Lots of pics and illustrations. Really nice article. It still lends itself to the possibility that Haarp arrays are used to amplify tornado effects. [+]
Saturday, May 21, 2011
How do Larouche people respond to Witzsche's "Enabling the Inevitable"?
[+] Rolf Witzsche makes a stunningly reasonable case against NAWAPA in this article. How do the Larouche people respond to it? I've already had one Larouche person hang up on me (slamming the phone) after I tried to talk to her about Rolf's ideas. This is the first time I've seen evidence that the Larouche people are being blinded somehow... which is astounding to me given the line of history and economics I've been reading on the Larouche site for 10 years. Is Rolf getting any reaonable feedback from Larouche people or do they slam the phone down on him too?
Amazing illustration of how Tesla's ionosphere tapping towers would work.
ttower3.jpg 577×431 pixels

Ice age could be within 20 years according to Hecht, a Larouche writer-- yet Larouche ignores?
`````I've been reading Witzshe since Nov. 2010-- although I ran across him several years ago and made an impact on me but not as much as in late 2010-- and I've been reading Larouche since Jan. 2000 and he has influenced me beyond my own belief. Larouche's writing is amazing. Witzshe is even more amazing... and directly contradicts some of larouche's points... which is stunning. Nobody I personally know shares my astonishment and wonder... and yet we must have resolution for mankinds' survival.
`````Larouche points to the ice age only obliquely in this article, [Deepest solar Minimum in a Century]. It's actually authored by Hecht and Murphy in a Larouche publication. Hecht and Murphy refer to the cycles as follows....
Over a century of climatological studies has demonstrated that longer-term climate is driven by changes in the Earth's orbital relationship to the Sun. Over the past 2 million years, cycles in orbital parameters lasting 20,000, 40,000, and 100,000 years have combined to produce glaciations lasting from 100,000 to 200,000 years over the Northern Hemisphere. The last glacial advance, which ended approximately 12,000 years ago, covered North America, down to the latitude of New York and Chicago, with a blanket of ice estimated to be 1 to 2 miles thick.
and this....
The present Earth-Sun orbital relationship is such that the onset of a new glaciation is to be expected at any time soon. The Earth, indeed, has been in a prolonged cooling since the Holocene climatic optimum of 3000 B.C.
`````Witzsche has not mentioned the Holocene optimum as far as I've read him... he may have pointed to it and I missed it. The critical idea is that this article by Hecht and Murphy was published by Larouche in 2009 and it ends with this stunning conlusion....
The immediate possibility of cooling over the next two decades is going to add more challenges in the face of the onrushing global economic crisis. But it is also in times of crisis, that mankind's gift of creativity is of the greatest importance. When mankind uses its creativity, there is no problem or challenge so great that it cannot be solved.
````They refer to the next two decades... and yet Larouche's NAWAPA will take 50 years. How can the Larouche people be serious about NAWAPA with this obvious contradiction... which contradiction is nicely highlighted by Witzsche who apparently has been trying to communicate this problem to the Larouche crowd.
NOTE TO ROLF-- Alfven said magnetohydrodyamics was a mistake that led to wild goose chase on fusion... is Larouche refusing to accept Alfvens retraction as well... which explains Larouche's continued enthusiasm for fusion? see this post-->-here]
`````Larouche points to the ice age only obliquely in this article, [Deepest solar Minimum in a Century]. It's actually authored by Hecht and Murphy in a Larouche publication. Hecht and Murphy refer to the cycles as follows....
Over a century of climatological studies has demonstrated that longer-term climate is driven by changes in the Earth's orbital relationship to the Sun. Over the past 2 million years, cycles in orbital parameters lasting 20,000, 40,000, and 100,000 years have combined to produce glaciations lasting from 100,000 to 200,000 years over the Northern Hemisphere. The last glacial advance, which ended approximately 12,000 years ago, covered North America, down to the latitude of New York and Chicago, with a blanket of ice estimated to be 1 to 2 miles thick.
and this....
The present Earth-Sun orbital relationship is such that the onset of a new glaciation is to be expected at any time soon. The Earth, indeed, has been in a prolonged cooling since the Holocene climatic optimum of 3000 B.C.
`````Witzsche has not mentioned the Holocene optimum as far as I've read him... he may have pointed to it and I missed it. The critical idea is that this article by Hecht and Murphy was published by Larouche in 2009 and it ends with this stunning conlusion....
The immediate possibility of cooling over the next two decades is going to add more challenges in the face of the onrushing global economic crisis. But it is also in times of crisis, that mankind's gift of creativity is of the greatest importance. When mankind uses its creativity, there is no problem or challenge so great that it cannot be solved.
````They refer to the next two decades... and yet Larouche's NAWAPA will take 50 years. How can the Larouche people be serious about NAWAPA with this obvious contradiction... which contradiction is nicely highlighted by Witzsche who apparently has been trying to communicate this problem to the Larouche crowd.
NOTE TO ROLF-- Alfven said magnetohydrodyamics was a mistake that led to wild goose chase on fusion... is Larouche refusing to accept Alfvens retraction as well... which explains Larouche's continued enthusiasm for fusion? see this post-->-here]
Is Larouche mistaken about fusion because he too did not accept Afven's retraction?
`````In chapter 1 of "Electric Universe" by Thornhill & Talbott, on page 12 at the bottom, we see where Alfven wanted to retract his earlier magnetohydrodynamic theory that didn't emphasize electricity enough. The paragraph points to Alfven noting the failure of fusion after 30 years (in 1970!!) to be a RESULT OF HIS (Aflven's) EARLIER MISTAKE!!!
`````To Rolf-- Does this make sense to you? This is an astonishing little piece of the fusion story that I'm interested in knowing more about. Larouche has been pushing fusion. Is Larouche under the same error as those who didn't accept Afven's retraction?
`````To Rolf-- Does this make sense to you? This is an astonishing little piece of the fusion story that I'm interested in knowing more about. Larouche has been pushing fusion. Is Larouche under the same error as those who didn't accept Afven's retraction?
Solar cycles and their effects -- comparing Witzsche and Larouche's views.
[Witzsche's view]
[Larouche's view]
REview the links above and see if there is any comparison that can be made between Witzshe's understanding and Larouche's understanding of solar cycles and their effect on the earth or man.
[Larouche's view]
REview the links above and see if there is any comparison that can be made between Witzshe's understanding and Larouche's understanding of solar cycles and their effect on the earth or man.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Youtube videos about the electric universe theory are plentiful.
`````Here's one to start... it's only a 5 minute intro. Note that much of the discussion by and around Thornhill doesn't get into the coming ice age... which is an understood consequence of electric universe theory. Witzsche emphasizes that. As well, Larouche is becoming more problematic as he and his people ignore this angle... the coming ice age, the electric universe. I don't understand them now. Witzshe has rocked the Larouche world by pointing out the pointlessness of the original NAWAPA but Larouche people are still pushing it. On the other other hand, Witzshce promotes the strange Mary Baker Eddy Christian Science material which I find tedious and just so unrelated that I can't believe he's involved in it. It makes absolutely no sense. Anyway, watch this short video intro to electric universe.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tonight I'll be reading "Apocalypse on demand?"... to see what Rolf says there.
Here's the article [Print it out] If you print out on lined 3 ring paper, on one side, you can use the opposite side to take notes.
May 18, 2011
`````I'm halfway through reading this piece and for the first time, the thing comes into clear focus. Rense.com has posted numerous pieces on HAARP and I've seen various articles on it on other conspiracy sites over the past decade or so. Witzsche puts an excellent point to it, however, that all other articles have missed. Still working on the article. Note that he calls the people behind the weaponized use of it "master of empire" rather than "British Empire" as Larouche would. Larouche doesn't look at HAARP as a weaponized tool. Larouche has taken a tangential move in the world of this analysis toward solar and galactic triggered earthquakes... which Witzsche slams as simply not happening since solar activity has fallen since 1957.
May 18, 2011
`````I'm halfway through reading this piece and for the first time, the thing comes into clear focus. Rense.com has posted numerous pieces on HAARP and I've seen various articles on it on other conspiracy sites over the past decade or so. Witzsche puts an excellent point to it, however, that all other articles have missed. Still working on the article. Note that he calls the people behind the weaponized use of it "master of empire" rather than "British Empire" as Larouche would. Larouche doesn't look at HAARP as a weaponized tool. Larouche has taken a tangential move in the world of this analysis toward solar and galactic triggered earthquakes... which Witzsche slams as simply not happening since solar activity has fallen since 1957.
Rolf, what do you think of Tesla's work?
Tesla invented a tower to draw ionosphere plasma power, didn't he? I can't find references to him on your site. Please answer in this public blog if you would. If not, then email again. Thanks.
Fusion power is not possible since fusion is fission in actuality.
Monday, May 16, 2011
I'm reading and being astonished by Rolf Witzsche every evening lately.
`````I can't get enough of Rolf Witzsche's writing lately. Every day I try to print out one of his articles. The implications of what he's writing are huge and profound. I'm currently gripped by the comparison between the latest LarouchePAC video on the solar impact on earthquakes compared to Witzsche's analysis. The LarouchePAC youth on the video never uses the term "electric universe" or plasma. It's the biggest mystery to me each day. I've been emailing Witzsche occasionally and he is writing back with informative responses. I feel compelled to write a good format blog/forum like this so that I can go around to some other Larouche and Witzsche readers and get them to discuss the problem with me here. There is no other forum on the net that does what I plan to do here.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The "missing link" might be "The Swan" of Cygnus X3, portrayed in Catholicism as the Holy Spirit Bird.
Rolf was inspired to update his thinking on Cyngus x3's role in human evolution as a result of my pointing him to the unique cosmic rays coming from that star system-- which varies in intensity-- not merely density. This is especially true when the heliosphere weakens and Earth is exposed to more cosmic rays during ice ages. [see Rolf's Cygnus x3 article]
In this study, Rolf goes to some length in describing The Swan, the ancient symbol for the cosmic structure that Cygnus x3 is part of. It may even be generating particles that are something we are unfamiliar with at this time, beyond electrons and protons. Rolf describes the ancient mythologies surrounding The Swan... and as I read this description, I was reminded of the symbol of The Holy Spriit in my Catholic upbringing. Here is a google picture search on that... [here] Symbolism that corresponds to Rolf's description of the effect on human genius of The Bird is astounding. Is the "Holy Spirit" the missing link???
In this study, Rolf goes to some length in describing The Swan, the ancient symbol for the cosmic structure that Cygnus x3 is part of. It may even be generating particles that are something we are unfamiliar with at this time, beyond electrons and protons. Rolf describes the ancient mythologies surrounding The Swan... and as I read this description, I was reminded of the symbol of The Holy Spriit in my Catholic upbringing. Here is a google picture search on that... [here] Symbolism that corresponds to Rolf's description of the effect on human genius of The Bird is astounding. Is the "Holy Spirit" the missing link???

Sticking your head in the Beviac Particle Accelerator might be mind expanding.
I pointed Rolf to the further speculations on Cygnus x3 which he then wrote a further study on here... [Cygnux x3]. In this study, Rolf describes an account of a scientist who sticks his head in a particle accerator. Given the speculation on the role of the higher INTENSITY (not mere density) of the Cygus cosmic rays in human evolution and genius production, it may very well be that putting your head in the accelerator like Tobias did might make you a higher evolved human genius. Sticking your head in your microwave oven would NOT be the way to start however. Still, the principle of sticking your head into machines is similar. The only problem I see with sticking your head in a particle accelerator is that Rolf speculates that Cygnus might be generating a brand new particle that we haven't yet discovered. In that case, an ordinary particle accelerator will not do.
Cygnus x3 galaxy more significant as a result of my findings.
In the header of this blog, you'll find link to Rolf Witzsche's site... and to my discussion blog about his work. I've been emailing him questions and comments since November 2010, astonished at how he has found holes in Larouche's choice projects, like NAWAPA and fusion. Lately, I discovered more about Cygnus x3, a star system, that is profound and unbelievable but nevertheless promisingly verifiable. Rolf was inspired to add three new studies to his work generated by my findings. Quote...
"Just a quick one, it's getting late:
Thanks for your comment on Cygnus x3. You may find my exploration useful. It has helped me with my other two studies:
[The science of the Ice Age Precursor - mankind at the crossroads]
[THIS IS DIRECTLY RELATED to my findings regarding Cygnus x3.]
[Cygnus x3 and Human Evolution - the missing link?]
Some more later,
Rolf Witzsche" unquote
"Just a quick one, it's getting late:
Thanks for your comment on Cygnus x3. You may find my exploration useful. It has helped me with my other two studies:
[The science of the Ice Age Precursor - mankind at the crossroads]
[THIS IS DIRECTLY RELATED to my findings regarding Cygnus x3.]
[Cygnus x3 and Human Evolution - the missing link?]
Some more later,
Rolf Witzsche" unquote
Monday, May 2, 2011
NAWAPA as promoted by Lyndon Larouche is obsolete-- Witzche's basalt pipes and river capture have LEAST ACTION (least time)
Incredibly, the Larouche basement team is ignorning Witzsche. I understand Larouche's points thoroughly... I've been reading him for 10 years... and so I have a deep appreciatino for Witzsches's update critique of Larouche's NAWAPA plan. What is going on in the Larouche org that they are NOT commenting or CONVERTING to Witzsche"s Water World?
Witzche points to HAARP caused Japan earthquake negating Larouche's cosmic cause.
Astonishingly, Witzsche has pointed to HAARP caused earthquakes completely denying Larouche's theory that the Japan 9.0 big one in April 2011 was the result of the sun or other cosmic forces. Larouche was very big on this a few weeks ago... Larouche has not written any retractions that I know of... Witzsche didn't specifically call Larouche out on this.
Larouche's first major effort in 2011 was to push for NAWAPA... which appears to be a waste of time once one reads Witzshe on the coming ice age. As well, Witzche has completely detroyed Larouche's arguments for fusion.
Witzsche is clearly a fan of Larouche in economics and history principles... but his shocking exposes of the weakness of Larouche's platform blows me away. The latest upset of my reading of Larouche is Witzshe's pointing to HAARP... where Larouche and associates never mention it.
Larouche's first major effort in 2011 was to push for NAWAPA... which appears to be a waste of time once one reads Witzshe on the coming ice age. As well, Witzche has completely detroyed Larouche's arguments for fusion.
Witzsche is clearly a fan of Larouche in economics and history principles... but his shocking exposes of the weakness of Larouche's platform blows me away. The latest upset of my reading of Larouche is Witzshe's pointing to HAARP... where Larouche and associates never mention it.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Let's look at Larouche's latest article on Creative Universe through Witzsche's eyes.
[Larouche article... creative universe] I've only touched on this article but will read it more depth in coming days with an eye on Witzsche's work as far as I understand him.
Larouche says the electromagnetics of the earth are changing leading to beachings of whales for example. Animals use em pathways. He's saying something is happning in the solar system at large... to cause these disruptions. Witzsche points to the ELECTRIC universe-- and plasma or charged particles as highly influential on earth climate and even human evolution and mind, taking it further than Larouche. What more can we say on this?
Larouche points to the instant solution Glass Steagall would produce on the bad debts leading to destructive austerity. What is Witzsche's view on Glass Steagall?
Larouche says the electromagnetics of the earth are changing leading to beachings of whales for example. Animals use em pathways. He's saying something is happning in the solar system at large... to cause these disruptions. Witzsche points to the ELECTRIC universe-- and plasma or charged particles as highly influential on earth climate and even human evolution and mind, taking it further than Larouche. What more can we say on this?
Larouche points to the instant solution Glass Steagall would produce on the bad debts leading to destructive austerity. What is Witzsche's view on Glass Steagall?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Previous forum attempt at N54 full of pop up ads.
Unless one pays for an account at N54, pop up ads ruin it. Besides, N54 has never installed an index for keywords... which is forum-killer. Blogger has done that. It's possible to remove ads on N54 with a small fee.. I've paid it in previous years however the fact that there continues to be an absence of a tag/index features simply destroys whatever potential and promise it once had. If it ever install the keyword feature, I'll reconsider it.
[Previous forum for Witzsche material]
[Previous forum for Witzsche material]
Sunday, April 24, 2011
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